Marshall County Open Enrollment Presentation (downloadable video)

MCC Open Enrollment Presentation 11.18.2020 RECORDED revised v2 11.24.2020.mp4

Wellness Screening Site Locations for Marshall County Employees

Wellness Screening Pharmacy Locations 2023.pdf

Mission Statement

The mission of the Marshall County Personnel Board is to provide professional human resource leadership, development information and services to county employees, elected officials, managers, and the public. One of its main goals is to assist government officials in the hiring of a competent, qualified and diverse work force. An additional important goal is the training and development of that work force so that they and their leaders can carry out their mission and responsibilities in an efficient, thorough, and competent manner while serving the citizens of Marshall County, Alabama.

Marshall County Is An Equal Opportunity Employer (E-VERIFY)

List of Board Members

  1. One member, presently Michael Clay, is appointed by the District 26 State Representative, currently the Honorable Kerry Rich
  2. One member, presently Penni Windsor, is elected by the Marshall County Employees
  3. One member, presently Tim White, is appointed by the District 27 State Representative, currently the Honorable Wes Kitchens
  4. One member, presently Bill Stricklend, is appointed by the Marshall County Commission
  5. One member, presently David Watts, is appointed by the Senate District 9 Senator, currently the Honorable Clay Scofield

List of Personnel Directors and Assistants

Christy Kelley, Personnel Administrator

Terri Brown, Personnel Specialist

Board Attorney

Mallory Brown - Attorney at Law


Departments Covered

Department Name Department Head Phone Number
Animal Control Kevin Hooks (256)582-4744
Licence Inspector/Solid Waste Susan Owens (256)571-7801
Council on Aging Tammy McElroy (256)571-7805
County Commission James Hutcheson (256)571-7701
IT/Data Processing Steve Turner (256)571-7707
Engineering Mike Knop (256)571-7712
Maintenance Brad Kilpatrick (256)571-7717
Jail Adam Riddle (256)582-2034
Department Name Department Head Phone Number
Parks Nickie Walker (256)582-2193
Personnel Board Christy Kelley (256)571-7720
Probate Judge Andrea Lecroy (256)571-7764
Revenue Commission Michael Johnson (256)571-7743
Road District #1 Ronny Shumate (256)753-2557
Road District #2 Ricky Watson (256)728-4117
Road District #3 Lee Sims (256)891-1771
Road District #4 Joey Baker (256)878-0421
Sheriff's Department Phil Sims (256)582-2034
Marshall County Personnel Forms

Common Personnel Forms

FMLA Forms

Drug Reimbursement Forms

Employee Benefits

  • Annual Leave
  • Sick Leave
  • Holidays
  • Life Insurance - County Provided
  • Medical Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Prescription Drug Card
  • State Retirement Package
  • RSA-1 (Supplementary Retirement Option)
  • Nationwide (Supplementary Retirement Option - Formerly PEBSCO)
  • Competitive Salaries
  • Job Security
  • Direct Deposit
  • Police Benevolent Association Payroll Deduction

Resolutions and Proclamations

#23-02Resolution 24-03 Pay Scale Study 24-25 FY
#24-02Resolution 24-02 Cost of Living Increase
#24-01Resolution 24-01 Merit Increases
#23-02Resolution 23-02 Merit Increases - Signed
#23-01Resolution 23-01 Recommending a cost-of-living increase - Signed
#22-02Resolution 22-02 Merit Increases - Signed
#22-01Resolution of the Marshall County Personnel Board Recommending That The County Commission Approves Temporary Premium Pay For Eligible County Employees Through the Expenditure Of American Rescue Plan Act Funds
Resolution - Cost of Living Increase - Signed
Resolution of the Marshall County Personnel Board Approving the Resolution of the Marshall County Commission funding longevity payment for county employees
#20-01Resolution #20-01 Regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic
Resolution to Recommend Tier 1 Benefits to Tier 2 Members
#19-0219-02 Resolution for Pay Scale Study
#19-0119-01 Resolution for Merit Increase
#18-02Resolution for Pay Scale Study
#18-01Resolution for Merit Increases
#16-01Resolution 16-01 Merit Increases 2016
#14-01Resolution for Merit Increases
#13-01Resolution for Merit Increases
#12-01Resolution for Merit Increases
#11-02Personnel Board Legislative Request
#11-01Resolution Recommending That the Marshall County Commission Budget For and Fund Merit Pay Increases For All Eligible Classified Service Employees of the County
#10-01Resolution Recommending That the Marshall County Commission Budget For and Fund Merit Pay Increases For All Eligible Classified Service Employees of the County
#09-04Resolution Seeking Attorney General's Opinion - Are Employees of the Marshall County Council on Aging to Be Classified By the Personnel Board
#09-03Resolution Seeking Attorney General's Opinion - Are Part-time and Temporary Employees to Be Under Personnel Board's Regulation
#09-02Resolution Recommending That the Marshall County Commission Budget For and Fund Merit Pay Increases for Employees of the County (July 13, 2009)
#09-01Resolution Recommending a Scheduled Pay Scale Study Every Eight (8) Years (March 9, 2009)
#08-01Resolution Recommending That the Marshall County Commission Give Raises for the 2009 Budget Year
#07-01Resolution Requesting the County Commission Authorize and Fund a New Classification Study of Job Descriptions, Job Positions, and Salary Ranges (February 12, 2007)
#06-01Resolution Recommending the County Commission Grant Merit Salary Increases for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 (July 10, 2006)
Proclamation of the Marshall County Commission Declaring the Week of May 23rd as Marshall County Employee Appreciation Week

Employee News Letters